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University College Oxford – Safety systems and lighting upgrade

115 Banbury Road, Oxford – Completed summer 2018

When University College bought the building at 115 Banbury Road, part of the works we carried out for them involved installing essential safety systems. We handled the emergency lighting and fire alarms as well as upgrading the lighting throughout the premises.

After initially testing and proving the circuitry, we worked closely alongside Pyrotec to install the fire alarm system and make it visible from the main site lodge via a smartwatch system. We upgraded and altered all the lighting to take energy-efficient LED luminaires and, where required, fitted emergency lights. We also installed the wiring for CCTV and access control as part of the project.

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University College Oxford – Testing electrical installations

Electrical testing – An ongoing project

We were appointed by University College Oxford to carry out electrical installation condition reports, also called periodic testing.

The University’s works department has a really good schedule which lays out exactly when their buildings are to be tested, and we work closely with them to carry out the tests.
Like all Colleges around the University the emphasis is on the students, so we have to co-ordinate our work so it doesn’t affect their studies. This means we have to be completely flexible as well as sensitive to the areas we need to test and the needs of University personnel.

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Green Templeton College

Refurbishment of the east wing – Completed 2013

Green Templeton College officially formed in October 2008 via a merger between Green and Templeton colleges. The resulting institution majors on medical and life sciences and management studies. Monard Electrical has carried out several projects for the college recently, including rewires of college properties, maintenance and test inspections.


Praise for Monard’s work

“Green Templeton College embarked on sympathetically restoring the east wing of the grade 1 listed 18th Century Radcliffe Observatory. Whilst restoring the fabric and furnishings we took the opportunity to modernise the M&E services. A new BMS plant room, mains panel and lighting were included in the upgrade. As acting Project Manager I was very pleased with the skills, dedication and attention to detail provided by the appointed contractors. A special mention has to be awarded to Monard Electrical, who were very effective and professional in their role as Principal Contractor and remained within budget and met a tight deadline. On completion we invited all involved parties to a ‘thank you’ tea at which conservation stamped their seal of approval and the college Vice Principal extended her gratitude to Monard Electrical”

Steve Williams, Maintenance Manager, Green Templeton College

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Christ Church – Kitchen Works


Installing new Mains Infrastructure – Completed 2017

We were appointed by Christ Church to supply and install a new submain and distribution system to the kitchen’s existing electric system.

The kitchen range was due for an upgrade from gas to electric, which was going to affect the power consumption of the electrical system thanks to an insufficient existing supply. The work therefore involved installing 2no 240mm2 4core LSFSWA cables from the South Substation, through the grounds of Christ Church via excavations and through the fabric of the building, all the way to the Chef’s office.

The new cable was terminated into a new Panel board, upgrading the whole of the distribution. To avoid disrupting the kitchen, we carried the work out one circuit at a time to ensure the room always had power. We also installed new submain circuit cables to various pieces of equipment.

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